What Kind of Friend Am I?

During one of my restless nights, I was thinking about friendships. I began to think about all the things that I read on social media, and all the things that I hear others, and even myself, speak about friendships. Many say, “Don’t call everyone your friend. Others say, “You think people are your friends and they stab you in the back.” Some people say, “I don’t have friends, I have acquaintances.” Even still there are those who talk about fair weather friends. People are quick to declare that others hate on them, while pretending to wear the “friend” title, but will never admit that they are guilty of the same.

I myself have an amazing friend, because she is an amazing woman. She possesses those intrinsic values that come so natural for her but are rarely seen in this day.  We’ve known each other for over 25 years, and we have never had an argument. We have disagreed many, many, times, but never argued. We respect each other and that is key. I believe a force much larger than the both of us is responsible. 

She listens and prays for me. When I’m wrong, she gives me her opinion, but never judges. She speaks the truth even when I don’t want to hear it. She shares my joy and my sorrows, my victories and my disappointments.  She is guilty of this one thing –she loves me.

Many times, when I am praying for her, I say these words, “She is a much better friend to me, than I am to her.” She would not agree. That’s just like her.

On this journey of self-awareness, I look at myself. I study myself. I often find myself asking this question, “What kind of friend am I?”

I am paying attention to the answers that I hear.

 Stay Spicy!