It's ok

“All you have ever had was me. No one ever showed you real love. So, you placed your everything in me without ever taking the time to see what I wanted for you. I want to give you life. But you have always been so afraid that if you moved ahead in life, our relationship would not be the same. You were afraid that moving into greatness would make you prideful. Understand this; our relationship does not depend on you, but it depends on me keeping you. Don’t be afraid to live life. Don’t be afraid to love life. Inhale it. Exhale it, But never let it go. I want you to see the word. Live abundantly. Love your family and your close friends. Give to the world all that you have. Don’t fear moving ahead.  No worries.  I will keep you. I know you are hurting. You’ve been trying to heal on your own. This is a new day for you. I’ll be here. I will never leave you. It’s ok. You are trying so hard to stay close to me, but that is too big of a task for you. I will keep you safe because you belong to me. Love yourself. Be yourself. Its ok. I want so much for you. Be all that I have destined you to be.

 Its ok.”

 And there it was. Everything was before me. Beckoning me home, to my destined place. Linda’s place. Suddenly there was strength to do what I could not do before. Hope and faith swelled up inside of me, so much I thought I would burst. I was walking in the new realm of possibilities, opportunities, and manifestations.

I don’t usually share what Holy Spirit speaks to me publicly, but I wondered how many others needed to hear this. Allow it to speak to you.

If you have dreams that you want to pursue, or if there is something you always wanted to do, believe that you can. Wipe those cobwebs from the corners of your mind. They’ve been there far too long, reminding you of the years that have passed. Rehashing your mistakes. Telling you that it’s too late. Telling you that you missed your opportunity to make your dreams come true. Kill that negative energy.

God has given you permission to be awesome. It’s ok.