Realigning Myself

 Hello everyone!  It’s been a while. So many things have happened since I last shared. As you may recall, I shared the 7 pillars of Virtuosity. The first pillar, Self-evaluation, revealed the instances that will cause us to look at where we are in life and compare it with where we want to be. It challenges who we are and who we want to be. We talked about life experiences that would warrant a period of self-evaluation. Do you remember when I wrote that one of those life experiences was loss/death? Well, little did I know that I would be blindsided by such a loss.  A few months ago, my second eldest son, Bobby, unexpectantly transitioned from this life to his heavenly home. Nothing could have prepared me for the confusion, pain, and devastation that my heart would face as I doubted myself as a parent and a Christian.  I was overwhelmed with guilt as I wondered what I could have done to prevent this. Did I pray for him enough? Did he reap something that I had sowed? Did I love him enough? These were only a few of the questions that tormented me for months. This blow knocked me out of alignment, and I was no longer steering in the right direction. The last conversation I had with my son, he told me, “Mama, keep doing what you’re doing.” He said he was proud of me. I continue to write to honor my God, my son, and those whom I am called to serve. As I write, I feel strength rising within me.

 In the last few months, I’ve spent much time evaluating certain behaviors, looking at situations that needed to be changed, relationships that I needed to embrace, and those that I needed to reject. Allow me to be transparent for a moment. I noticed a pattern. Each time I transcend to a new place in my life, a deep transformation takes place within me. I am turned every which way but loose. The reason: The old me can’t survive in the new place.  It is during this time that my intelligence, my gift, my talents, and my knowledge are all challenged. However, I have learned not to become too discouraged, because in the end, I know I will emerge a new vessel, ready to take on the challenge, or should I say the assignment, set before me. 

The secret to proper alignment is mind renewal.  Sounds simple, right? Well, let me assure you; It is not simple. Your time of self-evaluation revealed things in your life that you want to change.  In order to do this, you must enlarge the capacity of your mind to receive life altering truths. As I stand, girded by my own pillar of alignment, I am being stretched beyond my own narrow-minded truths.  How do we alter mindsets? We must change the thoughts that drive our actions and behaviors.

Align yourself with truths that will steer you in the direction of positive change. I want to caution you though; It won’t be easy. There will be people, situations, or relationships that you will want to dispel. But be of good cheer, as there are others that you will want to embrace and strengthen.  Alignment will demand that you enlarge your territory. The territory is your mind. You must remove the borders of the past and reset your thoughts and mindsets.

How do we change our thoughts? The answer to this question has been around for centuries; we change our thoughts by releasing positive, life changing, mind altering affirmations out of our mouths.  Before you try and be the change that you want to see, you must speak and think the change that you want to see. 

Yes, I am once again on a journey of alignment.  I am aligning my destiny with His plan for my life. I have surrendered my life to His Kingdom purposes. I find myself surrendering a lot these days. I surrender to love, joy, peace, and forgiveness. I surrender my past to the past. I surrender to prosperity and good health. I surrender myself to the amazing possibilities that lay ahead. But most important, I surrender my fears to Him and give myself permission to live.


Stay Spicy!