Losing Me, Finding Me

I am taking a detour to talk about my new book, “Losing Me, Finding Me.”  This book was birthed out of a very dark place in my life during which I was involved in a very toxic relationship. It started out as something wonderful. There were hours of talking on the phone, texts, weekend visits, laughter, and good times. However, it wasn’t long before I began to feel as though something was wrong. There was no physical or sexual abuse. It was mental and emotional abuse.  Each time I tried to voice my concerns, I was assured that everything was ok between us. The dysfunction was very subtle, and I tried to dismiss it. I reasoned that I had to love unconditionally and that no one was perfect. However, that dis-ease that I was feeling lingered on. I kept giving it my all, but I was only receiving enough to keep me hanging on.  It wasn’t long before I concluded that the relationship was damaging me. But I didn’t leave. He chose someone else. His choice was one of the best things to ever happen to me. My heart was broken. It was very hard to get over it. Physically, I moved on. Mentally and emotionally, I was still there. When I cried out to my God, my journey began. I had to take full responsibility for allowing this toxicity into my life and find out why I allowed it. It ceased to be about him, I focused on me. This book is my journey out of my emotional prison. It is my journey to loving myself and understanding how valuable I am.

It is my prayer that Losing Me, Finding Me will help someone who maybe going through something similar.   October 1, 2018 is the release date.

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