7 Pillars of Virtuosity: Alignment

It’s been a while since I’ve written anything regarding the 7 Pillars of Virtuosity. Hopefully, you have spent this time evaulating some things in your life. This has certainly been the case with me. I’ve spent much time evaluating certain behaviors, looking at situations that needed to be changed, relationships that I needed to embrace, and those that I needed to reject. Allow me to be transparent for a moment;  I noticed a pattern. Each time I transcend to a new place in my life, a deep transformation takes place within me. I am turned every which way but loose. The reason: The old me can not survive in the new place.  It is during this time that my intelligence, my gift, my talents, and my knowledge is challenged. However, I have learned not to become too discouraged, because in the end, I emerge a new vessel, ready to take on the challenge, or should I say the assignment, set before me. Before we continue with the alignment phase, there are a few things that I’d like to point out about self-evaluation; It will be on-going throughout your life.  It’s not meant to be a negative time in your life. Self-evaluation is not a tool to make you feel ashamed or guilty.  It is a tool to begin your transformation into Virtuosity. What you discovered during your self- evaluation phase is unique to you. There will always be issues  that need to be confronted. But there will also be wonderful positive things that you will discover about yourself. Remember to maintain a balance in all things.  

In the alignment phase, we will learn to maintain consistency and balance.  We can’t hurry the alignment phase. There is so much that I want to talk about. However it’s  too much to digest in one sitting. You see, for nearly 30 years, I have believed that it’s most amazing  to learn of myself.   

In this phase, you align yourself with  truths that will steer you in the direction of change. I want to caution you though; It won’t be easy. There will be people, situations, or relationships that you will want to dispel. But be of good cheer, as there are others that you will want to embrace and strengthen.  The amazing facet of alignment is that you get to enlarge your territory. That is to say, you have the opportunity to remove the borders of you past and present mindsets. Ok, so now you know the secret of alignment; It begins in the mind.  Sounds simple, right? Well, let me assure you; It is not simple. Your time of self-evaluation revealed things in your life that you want to change.  In order to do this, you must enlarge the capacity of your mind to receive life altering truths. As I stand, undergirded by my own pillar of alignment, I am being stretched beyond my own narrow-minded truths.  How do we alter mindsets?. We have to change the thoughts that have driven our actions and behaviors.

How do we change our thoughts? The answer to this question has been around for centuries; We change our thoughts by releasing positive, life changing, mind altering affirmations out of our mouths.  Before you try and be the change that you want to see, you have to speak the chnge that you want to see.  In the coming weeks, we will discuss how to use affirmations, in different areas, to change our lives.  In the meantime…


Stay Spicy!