About Seasoned and Flavorsome

Seasoned and flavorsome is the blog-child of Virtuosity. It has been created to assure the mature woman that her time is not up and that her presence in this world is necessary.  This blog will discuss issues designed to uplift, encourage, celebrate, and build  in order that the essence of her virtue can be released. It reminds her that she emanates an aroma and a flavor into her universe that aligns her with goodness, wisdom, and life.  It is a reminder that we need not lose our flavor because of the circumstances that we have faced, nor those yet to be encountered.

The key to becoming seasoned and flavorsome is embarking on a journey of establishing emotional well-being and stability. You, and only you, possess the power and the authority to surround yourself with love, peace, joy, kindness, wisdom, positivity and the like. Spice up your life with these virtues and they will provide a guiding light for you as you continue your life’s journey.

As you continue to network with this blog, remember that your Creator has given you permission to arise, shine, and be a light in this dark world. He has equipped you with gifts and talents that are uniquely yours.

You are truly Seasoned and Flavorsome.

Stay Spicy!


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