An Apple a Day

I was in the supermarket buying apples, when I accidently allowed one to drop to the floor. Being the conscientious person that I am, I did not want to place it back in the bin with the rest of the apples, so I nestled it in with the others that I was going to purchase. After all, I had examined it carefully and I did not see any damage. Upon returning home, I washed the apples and placed them in the fruit bowl. There was no way to tell which apple had dropped. They were all so beautiful.

A couple of days later, I noticed a brown spot on one of the apples. Picking it up, I could feel the softness that lay beneath the spot. Not wanting to totally throw it away, I thought I would just cut the soft spot out. I cut around the spot and to my surprise, the apple was still brown inside. I cut it again, and there was still a brown spot left. I kept cutting until I had reached the very core.

Just like the apple, we don’t immediately see the bruises left by the wounds of the past. On the outside, we are beautiful, but may be rotten to the core with guilt, shame and rejection. And just like the apple, our bruises must be dealt with at the core of who we have become. 

If the apple could speak, it would probably scream at the cutting away of its' rotten spots. So it is with us; the cutting away is painful, but necessary. The good news is that we have a Comforter who soothes and heals.

If in its bruised and wounded condition, the apple remains in the fruit bowl long enough, it is sure to damage the others. It is so with us. If we remain bruised and wounded, we unintentionally hurt others. Weaknesses reveal the internal damages in our souls that need to be healed; areas that wound us and the people close to us. Allow Him to go deep into your core and remove the spots that are purposefully assigned to mar your beauty. 

Remember, an apple a day won’t keep the doctor away, if it’s bruised and rotten.  

Stay Spicy!