Why Virtuosity

A virtuoso  ....

is defined as one who excels in the technique of an art; A person who has great skill at some endeavor. I learned that I myself am a work of art, but the life that I was living was not the original work. I was broken and wounded, and had lived with my wounds for so long, they became a natural part of who I was. when failure, disappointments and crises manifested, I blamed myself instead of the wounds. It wasn’t until much later in my life that I realized that I didn’t love myself.

Over the years, I subconsciously engaged in patterns of self-destructive behaviors, which in turn caused me to blame myself even more. I accomplished much, but I remained wounded by the shame, neglect, and rejection of my past, which was a result of the physical/sexual/emotional abuse that I endured earlier in my life. As I stated, I had accomplished much, but I knew there was much more to life than what I was experiencing. How to attain it, I did not know. Each time I tried to move into my purpose, I allowed my past to pull me back into places of comfortability; That place of ordinary and average paralyzed me. As I became older, I reasoned that I should be proud of what I had accomplished and be happy.

But God! 

He opened my eyes to a brand-new day and a brand new me. Suddenly age did not matter to me. I realized that there was so much life ahead of me; so much to accomplish; so many things yet to be experienced; so many places to go. Through His Love and Grace, I did the work. I faced the pain, determined to walk in my liberty. As each layer was removed, I ascended to another level of freedom.

My Healer was at work; a beautiful work of art being revealed. I can think of no greater masterpiece than myself. I am the artist; my life is my canvas. Guided by His Love for me, I choose my own colors and the depth of my strokes. I am painting my future and I like what I see.

Here I am; an entrepreneur, speaker, writer and author. I have written my first book (coming soon). I am living my best days now and there is much more to come. To answer the question, I chose Virtuosity because the word is synonymous with brilliance, excellence, expertise, intelligence, and prowess; this is me. This is you.

This is my message: No matter what has happened in your past, you can begin again. Create your own masterpiece and, “live your best days now.”

Virtuosity….”Mastering the Art of Becoming You.”