A Lesson From The Woman With the Green Hair

We are taught a lot about diversity in this age. The world has become a gigantic melting pot. Each day we encounter people of different cultures, languages, practices and beliefs. Corporate training and seminars, classroom subjects, and customer service training are venues where diversity is discussed. We are taught to respect the cultural environments, practices, and beliefs of those whose origin is different from ours. We are encouraged to embrace their right to be who they are without opposition. These types of training are profitable on some level, but will never bring about the understanding that we need to embrace others who we see as different from ourselves. After all, isn’t it human nature to criticize that which it does not understand? Is their a better way to teach us to embrace the right of others to embrace themselves? I believe so. Allow me to explain.

I was out shopping one day, minding my business, or so I thought, when I saw a woman with green hair enter a business. I did not recognize her, but to make her more personable, we’ll refer to her as “Susan.” I wish I could tell you that I didn’t give it a second thought and continued to mind my business, but that’s not what happened. Something inside of me stood up tall and proud, as I thought to myself, “Why would she want to have green hair?” Almost immediately I heard, “Because its her hair.”

God takes every opportunity to teach us. This was my teachable moment.; Focusing on differences can breed fear and judgment. Instead of focusing on differences, lets talk about our similarities. My hair is red (Yes, I color it). Doesn’t Susan have the right to do the same? Is red better than green? We are all similar in the fact that we have the right to be who we want to be. We are similar in that we need food, water, and air to remain alive. We are all similar in the fact that we all want to be loved and accepted. We all suffer losses of some kind. We have times of laughter and tears. In our secret places we feel fear. doubt and insecurities about ourselves. Our similarities run deep..

A play on words can change it all. Instead of using the word different, let’s welcome the word unique. I like that word! Unique suggests value. It denotes rarity. Isn’t this the way were created?

Stay Spicy!