7 Pillars of Virtuosity: Self-Evaluation

As you may well know, “The Seasoned and Flavorsome Woman” is the blog for Virtuosity, created to enlighten, educate, encourage and heal, so that the virtuous woman within you may be released. 

This blog may not be for everyone.  However, If you have been wounded and broken, as I have, you understand the uncertainty that life may hold; The regrets over time wasted, the darkness of dreams that once shined brightly in your heart. Many times, we resolve within ourselves, that if our dreams have not manifested by a certain age, they won’t. We internalize that belief and nestle into a state of comfortability that subtlety holds us in bondage. Aging gracefully and successfully, has nothing to do with wearing the latest fashions, hairstyles, or following the latest trends. It has everything to do with living a purposeful life, in full measure.

We recently revealed the 7 pillars that uphold Virtuosity. These pillars are vital to you reaching your own unique level of self-realization.  We begin with Self-Evaluation. Notice the word "self.”  This is not the time to play the blame game, focusing on all the people that have hurt you. There will be a time to acknowledge who hurt you, but now is not that time. This is the time where you will work through the reasons why you allowed, what you allowed, into your life. This will be the most challenging pillar for you. Notice, I said challenging, and not impossible. This pillar requires that you be honest with yourself. It will require that you admit the “you” that you are, and not the ‘’you” that you portray to others. You are a victor and you were meant to be challenged in order that you may walk and live in your own state of Virtuosity. There are several catalysts that may evoke a season of self-evaluation in our lives:

1.    Information – We derive information from many sources:

         Reading materials, Inspirational/motivational speakers, discussions with friends/family.

2.     Knowledge gained through experiences:

Devastation and/or life changing events.  Loss of relationships, divorce financial disasters, deaths, loss of employment.  Knowledge is also gained through marriage and/or the birth of children.

3.     Aging:  

The aging process causes us to evaluate where we are in life.  Let’s be real; We can’t go back and change the past. It is what we do from this moment forward that’s vital to the rest of our lives.  It comes down to making do with life, or creating a life.  Choose to create life, that you may purposefully live. 

4.   Promptings from The Holy Spirit:

Experienced through fellow-shipping with Holy Spirit. He often speaks to us and we are not sensitive to His voice. Many times, Holy Spirit will speak to us, or prompt us about a specific issue, when He wants to bless us in that area.

Self-evaluation takes place when we ask ourselves the difficult questions such as, “How did I end  up here? What do I really want to see happen in my life?  What do I want to accomplish? Why didn’t I do that when I had the chance?  Is it too late for me? You may or may not have all the answers now. However, self-evaluation causes you to look deep inside of yourself. That's the place where the answers lie.

This is the time where you make the tough choices. It is the place where you confront your own belief systems, which have been the guiding forces in the decisions that you have made thus far.

I would like to congratulate you on making the courageous decision to enter a period of self-evaluation.  For the next few weeks we will continue in our self -evaluation phase. We don’t want to rush.  We will go through it together.

Stay Spicy!