A Lesson From Ice Cream


I am not very adventurous when it comes to ice cream. The Rocky Roads, the Cookies and Creams, and the Mint Chocolate Chips, do not arouse my palates' curiosity at all. There are so many flavors other than chocolate and vanilla.  One would have to agree that in the world of this smooth, creamy, and seductive pleasure, everything is not black and white.

The same applies to life. Many things that come our way can’t be explained. Things that leave us bewildered; The loss of a job or a financial emergency, a death, a breakup, or a negative health diagnosis, are just a few of the situations that may wreak havoc in our lives. The reasons that lead up to these life changing events can be more devastating than the event itself.

We spend a lot of time trying to figure out why some things happen in our lives. As we ponder, there are times when we are enlightened and we understand what has happened and why. We are able to choose a black or white explanation. Still there are other times when we are absolutely clueless. We have done all that we know how to do and still the situation does not pan out in our favor. In these instances, we must accept that the universe has chosen to keep us in the dark.  We will have to trust in a Wisdom greater than our own.

During times of uncertainty, we may be tempted to blame ourselves. We can develop a severe case of the coulda-shoulda-wouldas; “I could have done better. I should have known. I would have done it different, had I known.”

In the world of Virtuosity, we do not strive for perfection, but rather to be the best that we can be. We strive to understand who we are; to understand our strengths and weaknesses, and be willing to learn to set the boundaries that will keep us safe and focused.  We aim to challenge ourselves to be better than yesterday, understanding that God has enough Mercy to forgive our mistakes.

When we fall short, we must realize that it never takes Our Father by surprise. For our own sanity and peace of mind, we will have to accept the fact that we won’t always get it right. Many times, we will be wrong in our understanding. During this life’s journey, we will often realize that we are not as smart as we think we are.

In life, there will be circumstances that will invade our world without warning. Many times, these circumstances will shake us to the core. The reasons won’t be clear. There will be no black or white explanations.

When this happens, pray, have a good cry, call a friend, and have a bowl of Mint Chocolate Chip.

Stay Spicy!